Website Penetration Testing
Web applications or a website play a vital role in every modern organization. But, if your organization does not properly test and secure its web apps, adversaries can compromise these applications, damage business functionality, and steal data. Unfortunately, many organizations operate under the mistaken impression that a web application security scanner will reliably discover flaws in their systems.
Exploiting website vulnerabilities is Number One problem in the world. This is solely because a website is open to the internet and hence can potentially expose sensitive data which interests the evil hackers.
When searching for vulnerabilities in websites and web apps, manual web application penetration testing is essential. Automated penetration testing tools simply can’t find every flaw – sometimes, it takes the skill and insight of the manual tester to identify complex authorization issues or business logic flaws.
Web application penetration testing combines a proven process and highly skilled testers to achieve consistency, reduce costs and ensure customer satisfaction. Before initiating manual web application penetration testing, S-Link scans applications with automated technologies to ensure consistent results and then uses manual testing to find flaws that automated tests can’t discover.
Exploit Categories
Web Server Exploits
Web Service Exploits
Authentication Problems
Configuration Problems
Database Related Problems
Scripting Related Problems
Vulnerabilities Detected
SQL Injection
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Requery Forgery (CSRF)
Forms Input Forgery
Code Injection
Cookie Poisoning
S-Link delivers detailed results that include attack simulations showing how an attacker might exploit a vulnerability. Results are delivered to the S-Link Application Security Platform, where they can be assessed against corporate security policy and where vulnerabilities can be retested to verify remediation.